Thursday, March 5, 2020

WebMoney Payment partner for Russia and CIS countries

WebMoney Payment partner for Russia and CIS countries ?? ????????? WebMoney (WMZ purse)  ? ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????-?????? ? ??????????????? ? ??????? ?????? ????????????????. WebMoney ???????? ????????? Ukash, ??? ?????? ??????-??????? ??? ????? ???????? ? ????????????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????. ????????? WebMoney ????? ???????? italki ????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ?????????????????? ??????????????? ????? ? ????? ????????.   ? WebMoney ???????????? ?????? ?? italki, ? ????????????? ? ?????? ? ??????? ??????????????   italki ????? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????, ???????, ?????? ? ????? ??????? ????. ?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ??????????? ????????? ????, WebMoney, Paypal, cashU, Alipay. italki can now accept payments through WebMoney (WMZ purse). WebMoney is a popular form of payment in Russia, CIS countries, and Europe. Limited payment options act as a barrier for many users to transact with other people. Many countries do not have access to convenient forms of online payment like Paypal, and very few people have the ability to accept credit cards as a form of payment. We hope that these payment options will make it easier for users to pay for teachers and language services on italki.  We are continuing to add more features and payment options to make italki even more useful for language students and teachers around the world. WebMoney Payment partner for Russia and CIS countries ?? ????????? WebMoney (WMZ purse)  ? ????? ???????? ??? ?????? ??????-?????? ? ??????????????? ? ??????? ?????? ????????????????. WebMoney ???????? ????????? Ukash, ??? ?????? ??????-??????? ??? ????? ???????? ? ????????????? ????? ??????? ?????? ?????. ????????? WebMoney ????? ???????? italki ????? ?????????????? ?????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ?????????????????? ??????????????? ????? ? ????? ????????.   ? WebMoney ???????????? ?????? ?? italki, ? ????????????? ? ?????? ? ??????? ??????????????   italki ????? ??????? ????? ??? ??????? ??????, ???????, ?????? ? ????? ??????? ????. ?????? ????? ????? ???? ???????? ??????????? ????????? ????, WebMoney, Paypal, cashU, Alipay. italki can now accept payments through WebMoney (WMZ purse). WebMoney is a popular form of payment in Russia, CIS countries, and Europe. Limited payment options act as a barrier for many users to transact with other people. Many countries do not have access to convenient forms of online payment like Paypal, and very few people have the ability to accept credit cards as a form of payment. We hope that these payment options will make it easier for users to pay for teachers and language services on italki.  We are continuing to add more features and payment options to make italki even more useful for language students and teachers around the world.

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